duminică, 1 mai 2011

Mirror game - specific adjustments

Finally I made the ROS work with Kinect and NAO under Ubuntu...It was a long journey with several crashes along...

What next?

The task that I was given is used for a study of children with autism. This experiment made in Cluj, Romania and the purpose is to see what is the response rate of child interacting with NAO robot in a game of mirroring. If the response is positive maybe the next step in rehabilitation would be a better interaction with the therapist.

The code that I succeed in reusing needed some adjustments in the behavior of the robot:

1. The scenario was designed for a statical interaction, so I had to remove the walking. Another reason for this modification was the fact that NAO, as many robots of its kind is not a very stable walker.
2. The attention mode was removed because there was no use for it in the experiment.
(This two adjustments were made only by removing some parts of the original code).
3. The behavior of the robot had to be mirrored, because in the original application the robot was having the same orientation as the tracked body. For that I had to modify some functions that were controlling the motion of the body.
4. An improvement needed to be done to the calibration because this was very slow and also needed to be done every time the user appeared in the scene. For these we saved the initial tracked skeleton and reused it.
5. The motor control was removed and the motors were enabled at the beginning of the execution.

Here you can see the result:

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